Original Italian Tiramisu

This Original Italian Tiramisu will make you forget everything, what has been called previously as “Tiramisu”.
When you finally realize how simple it is, you will want to do it by yourself everytime.

I’m not here to say that it is light and easy on your hips.

No way!

Quite the opposite, it is a real calorie bomb and has already given me one or two extra rolls on the belly πŸ˜ƒ But sometimes it just has to be a real calorie bomb, right? Something sweet and indulging, a real filler, creamy lane on your tastebuds all the way, something to pull you up and out of the daily routine and healthy, pulled back eating diet. And if it tastes so sexy, like this Tiramisu, I just don’t WANT to control myself. Give me a BIG spoon and I’ll eat it up by myself, the whole tray for me is just fine!

“Ohhh, I would love to have Tiramisu once again!”, I had said the other day to my husband, as I was in the evening, suddenly attacked by cravings. Malte had to laugh. “Once again” could not be mentioned, just the week before twe had made a huge casserole dish Tiramisu for the both of us and also ate it up!

Ok, I’m honest, three pieces we gave to our neighbors, because it was too much for us alone 😊

Nevertheless, the next day he bought all the ingredients we needed, and in the evening, while I brought our three children to bed, he started to make the best original italian Tiramisu in the world.


  • 4 lb mascarpone
  • 4 heaping tbsp icing sugar, sieved
  • 10 eggs from happy chickens
  • 1 lb lady fingers
  • 4 bottle tops of rum, brand according to taste
  • 2 cups espresso, approx. 10 oz
  • 3 heaping tbsp cocoa, deoiled


  1. Brew 2 cups of espresso and let it cool down in a soup plate, fill into the water sprayer afterwards. (see notes)
  2. Take the eggs out of the fridge to let them adjust to room temperature.
  3. Use mixing bowl & grater: grate all the lady fingers down to half their height, keep the iced side for further processing. (see notes)
  4. Use whisk & mixing bowl, kitchen sieve: separate eggs, park the egg white in the food processor. Stir the egg yolks with the sieved icing sugar and add the rum, stir in the mascarpone until it becomes "one".
  5. Use food processor: beat the egg white until stiff.
  6. Use whisk and mixing bowl: gently fold the egg white into the mascarpone-cream.
  7. Use casserole dish and water sprayer: Place the grated down lady fingers
  8. !! with the iced side up !!!
  9. (this way the sugar can move into the mascarpone-cream πŸ˜‰ as close as possible next to each other into the casserole dish and spray espresso over them until they change to brown, be careful not to soak them though!
  10. Use spreader: spread the mascarpone-cream now evenly and carefully onto the layed out lady fingers until they just cover them entirely.
  11. Now lay out grated down lady fingers
  12. !! with the iced side up !!!
  13. but crossways to the first layer, spray with espresso and cover with mascarpone-cream.
  14. Repeat this process until the lady fingers are all gone or the casserole dish is full, you should get 4-5 layers of lady fingers this way.
  15. With the remaining mascarpone-cream you can create a final, even layer.
  16. Use kitchen sieve: powder the now "ready to cool"-tiramisu with a rather thick layer of cocoa.
  17. Put the tiramisu into the refrigerator without using a lid or plastic foil --> this way it loses some moisture and becomes "set".
  18. If you let it rest for 12 hrs all flavors inside have mixed entirely and it even tastes better πŸ˜‰

thanks done share recipes to : www.awandererslust.com/rezept/original-italian-tiramisu/

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