This one goes out to my mother. She’s the lady who despises cooking but against her wishes finds herself in charge of Christmas breakfast more often than not. So instead of the cinnamon rolls that she normally tries to turn out for the big occasion, those cinnamon rolls that require yeast and rise times and rolling pins, I offer these Cinnamon Roll Muffins.

These Cinnamon Roll Muffins require much less of a time commitment, but one sweet bite and I think you’ll agree that they make a pretty impressive substitute for standard cinnamon rolls.

These are easy to make, but I have to tell you that it took me a few tries to get this recipe right. The first batch I delivered to my mother were much too crumbly and the brown sugar – cinnamon topping exploded all over the pan. But I knew in my heart of hearts that Cinnamon Roll Muffins needed to exist in my life so I persisted undaunted. Thirty-six muffins later, I am now happy to report that I have achieved not just success, but in fact, perfection.
After consuming a couple of these gooey, sweet, perfect muffins, I feel bold enough to declare that these Cinnamon Roll Muffins might very well be the best thing I have ever managed to cook up in this humble little kitchen of mine. They are that good. No joke.


  • 2 cups all purpose flour
  • 3 teaspoons baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • 3 tablespoons melted butter, cooled slightly
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup milk (plus more as needed)
  • Topping and Filling
  • 1 cup brown sugar, loosely packed
  • 3 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1½ cups coarsely chopped pecans or walnuts
  • 3 tablespoons melted butter
  • Frosting
  • 2 ounces cream cheese, softened
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 tablespoon milk
  • dash of vanilla


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Generously grease a standard 12 cup muffin tin.
  2. In a large bowl, sift together the dry ingredients(flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar). In a separate bowl, whisk together the wet ingredients (melted butter, egg, milk) until well combined. Make a well in the center of the flour mixture and add the egg mixture, stirring only until just combined.
  3. Combine all the topping/filling ingredients. Gently fold half of the mixture into the muffin batter.
  4. ..................................

for full instruction please see :


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