Summer is here in all it’s glory. We’ve done park days, creek days and library days already. We’ve had some perfect summer weather too.  A low 80s day is just the perfect day for me.
And this strawberry lime slush is the perfect way to cool down and enjoy the season’s fresh and best. I think you’ll love them too. Made with real strawberries and frozen lime concentrate these are simple as you can get.
Now we have an alternative to stopping by Sonic or the local Sheetz where we consume way too much high fructose corn syrup and food coloring. These two things I try to avoid completely. But every now and they we stop and get a treat. This makes me a happy momma just knowing that they’re getting better ingredients here.


  • 2 cups fresh strawberries
  • 1/2 cup lime frozen concentrate I used Cascadian Farm
  • 2 cups of ice


  1. Crush ice in a food processor blender. Place in freezer. Meanwhile, rinse and hull strawberries. Cut in half. Place in a food processor or blender. Pulse or blend until berries are finely crushed. Add lime concentrate. Pulse a few more times. Add crushed ice and pulse several times. Add more ice if necessary for desired texture.
  2. ...............................

for full instruction please see :


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