Alright alright alriigghtt. (Matthew McConaughey anyone?)

I know kale chips are sooooo like 5 years ago, but I made them the other night and I was like “Good lawd I forgot how delicious these things are!” and I proceeded to eat the whole pan while Drew was in the basement doing “man stuff”. Not even mad about it. I intended to share with him, but the kale just got so small once it baked and I decided that maybe it was only a one pan serving size…  He didn’t seem to mind. Can’t say he is ever going to be super excited about kale chips. I think we had a couple bad experiences of burning the kale chips to where they basically just disintegrated in your mouth. I suppose I don’t blame him. But I think I’ve mastered the art of the kale chip since then and I MUST share this easy recipe with you all! They’re literally the best… Okay, whatever I’m bias but just trust me when I say they’re really really good!

First things first: cut the stalks away from the kale. You can also rip them off. You just don’t want to use them in your kale chips because they’ll honestly be gross and weird <–technical terms.

Once you’ve cut away the stalks you’ll cut or rip the bunch into medium to large pieces, then wash and dry. I used a salad spinner but if you don’t have one of those laying your kale out on a cooling rack and patting with paper towel will do the trick. Apparently you can also blow dry your kale, which is actually pretty genius…


  • 2 large stalks kale, about 4 cups leaves
  • 1 TBS avocado oil, plus more for hands
  • 1 1/2 TBS nutritional yeast
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/4 tsp cumin
  • 1/4 tsp chili powder
  • 1/8 tsp cayenne
  • 1/4 tsp pink salt, or to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 300F. Grease a large baking sheet (or line with parchment paper) and set aside.
  2. Carefully remove leaves from the stalk of the kale. You can either pull the leaves or cut away from the stalk. Rip or cut kale into large pieces, then wash and dry kale in salad spinner. Make sure your kale is dry before the next step. You can pat down with paper towel and let air dry on cooling rack until dry.
  3. ...........................................

for full recipes please see :


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