My two boys love their green smoothies.   I don’t know if they realize that it’s spinach that  makes them green, I certainly don’t hid it from them while I am making the smoothies.   This coconut-pear green smoothie is really sweet and tastes more like a dessert than something healthy.

I used the coconut milk that you find in the milk aisle in the grocery store.   I wouldn’t rule out using canned coconut milk though.  My younger son is small for his age, and he could benefit from some good healthy coconut fat.   I loved the pear texture in this smoothie.  This smoothie reminded me of the pear flavored Jelly Belly.

Both of my boys sucked this smoothie down and demanded seconds.   If I were to make this smoothie just for me, I would omit the banana to make it a little less sweet.   The kids loved this though.


  • 1 frozen pear-  I cut ripe pears into slices and froze them in plastic freezer bags
  • 1/2 cup of spinach
  • 1/4 frozen banana – optional
  • 1 cup of unsweetened coconut milk- or a little more
  • 1 teaspoon of non alcoholic pure vanilla extract


  1.  Place all items in a blender and blend.  serve right away.
  2. ......................................

for full instruction please see :


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