Chocolate Pistachio Zucchini Donut

I love life. One of the things I love the most about life are the gaps between the lines, because you get to write your own story. The world is filled with limitations and misconceptions, so I love it when something or someone sort of break the rules, pushing beyond these limitations, exposing us to a whole new field of possibilities, and giving us hope that we can too, go beyond our own limitations.

Why am I being so philosophic ?

I hope I didn’t confuse you… Lol. It’s just me, your same ol’ foodie friend 🙂 However, there are many things that you don’t know about me. No need to panic and nooo this is not confession time, ha-ha.  I simply felt inspired by this recipe, because what else would inspire me, right?

What I am trying to say is that, I have an inclination and find inspiring the story of those who have raisen against the odds, and I think in many ways my life’s path have taken me to places I’ve never dreamed of. And this is to say the last.


  • 1 cup zucchini, shredded
  • 1 cup fresh spinach
  • ¼ cup pistachios + more for topping
  • ½ cup coconut milk
  • ½ cup agave
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • ½ cup apple sauce (I used homemade apple sauce)
  • 1 cup flour (gluten-free)
  • ½ cup 100% cocoa powder (I used Valrhona)
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • ¼ tsp sea salt


  1. Shred the zucchini and transfer to a paper towel. Squeeze all the excess liquid than measure to one cup packed full. Transfer to a bowl.
  2. Crop the spinach into tiny pieces, basically as small as you can turn them into. Add to the zucchini bowl.
  3. Add the agave, coconut oil, apple sauce and coconut milk to the zucchini bowl and mix to combine.
  4. Using a food processor or (I used a mortar and pestle), mash the pistachio into smaller pieces. I like to leave some pieces bigger than other, and some real fine, especially to sprinkle on top.
  5. Add the pistachios (set aside some for topping) and remaining ingredients (dry ingredients) in a small bowl. Mix to combine.
  6. Add the dry mix into the zucchini mix and fold to combine.
  7. Pour the batter into a greased donut pan and bake at 375F degrees for 15 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.

This batter makes 6 large size donuts plus a small loaf of bread or 6 mini-muffins.

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