Do you ever have those moments?  The ones were you think something, say it out loud, and then later hear how silly it sounds? Unfortunately I have them a little too often.

The other day I was convinced my phone wasn’t getting messages right.  I had a few people who had messaged me, and I had answered them back, but there were no replies to my follow up questions.

Now if it had just been one person, I wouldn’t have thought anything of it.  But after a few people…I was starting to think it was either me…or the phone. I was definitely going with it being a phone issue.

After waiting a few days, I messaged a friend back to see if she had gotten my message.  She said, “of course I did…I answered you in my mind.  Didn’t you get it?  LOL!”

Now in my defense my brain read it as “yes, I answered you with WHAT was on my mind.”  Totally two different things.

Anyway, my oldest was listening to me complain about how my phone must be having issues because it didn’t send me that message from my friend.  He took the phone to look at my settings, and then just started laughing hysterically.

He saw the text and got what my friend meant right away.  After laughing at me for quite some time, he shook his head and said that he wasn’t worried about college anymore. Basically he said if his mom can get through life as a blonde, he could get through college.  How rude! Ok, fine. So, I might resemble that comment!


  • 1 - 8 ounce package cream cheese, softened
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/4 cup dark cocoa powder
  • 1/3 cup heavy whipping cream


  1. Beat the cream cheese until creamy. Add the powdered sugar and beat again until smooth.
  2. Add the cocoa powder and heavy whipping cream and beat until light and fluffy.
  3. Serve with cookies, fruit, pretzels, marshmallows, or sweet crackers. Refrigerate in a sealed container. Makes 2 cups.

for complete method please clikck : https://insidebrucrewlife.com/2016/06/dark-chocolate-cheesecake-dip/#_a5y_p=5520489


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