I don’t know how the weather is by you all, but here it’s actual being fairly mild for once!  Here in Southern Ohio, the summer’s can get pretty muggy, with the humidity making it hard to even breathe on those hazy summer days.  Yuck right?  I’ve never been one of those women who just glisten with a little sheen of perspiration when they’re hot… oh no.  I don’t perspire… I sweat.  And I’m always hot.  Soooo when the thick of summer comes around, I basically run from one air conditioned place to the next, trying to avoid melting lol.  But with kiddos who LOVE to be outside, that’s not really an option… especially when they’re not quite old enough that I can trust them out in our backyard by themselves.  Here’s where a cool drink like this pineapple punch comes in handy!

I found this recipe years and years ago, and wrote it down on a piece of paper.  Back before Pinterest, I literally had file folders full of recipes… crazy right?  I was rummaging around in those file folders the other day and found this punch recipe.  I WISH I could remember where it’s from… probably from some website my Grandma sent me.  She used to email me links to recipes ALL the time.  So no, I don’t take credit for this recipe, just the photos 🙂

One thing I love about this pineapple punch recipe, (other than how beautiful it is), is how much you can customize it to your tastes!  You can add virtually any fruit that you want to the glasses.  I chose, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, orange slices, lime slices, and pineapple pieces.  Basically, every fruit I could get my hands on at the grocery store!


  • 1 - 12 oz can frozen pineapple juice concentrate thawed
  • 1 - 6 oz can frozen limeade concentrate thawed
  • 4 1/2 cups cold water
  • 1 liter club soda chilled
  • Assorted fruits (such as strawberries raspberries, blueberries, oranges, limes, and pineapple)
  • Garnishes such as fresh mint


  1. Pour thawed pineapple juice concentrate and thawed limeade concentrate in a large pitcher.
  2. Add cold water and most of the club soda, reserving about 1/3 cup.
  3. Stir to combine and chill until cold.
  4. Add ice cubes and assorted fruits to serving glasses and pour in chilled punch.
  5. Garnish as desired and top off glasses with a splash of extra club soda for extra "fizz".

1. Can be made alcoholic by adding a splash of vodka or rum to the serving glasses.
2. For extra gorgeous presentation, freeze mint into ice cubes and use in serving glasses.

for complete instructions please clikck :


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