I love green smoothies. I love how they’re all so healthy and all the same color but somehow taste completely different and always make my morning awesome.

This one is no exception. This was my first experience with papaya. I bought one last year and tried to eat it before it was ripe. That didn’t work out so well. It was impossible to slice and exceedingly bitter.

I bought another one a couple weeks ago. I set it on the counter to ripen, and suddenly it was rotten. Sigh…

This one was just right though. I let it ripen until it was yellow and just to the point of getting soft but not yet rotting. It was perfection. Tropical and luscious, I would describe the taste as almost honey-like without being overly sweet.

When you buy the papaya, stick it in a paper bag on your countertop and check it daily. Once it’s covered in yellow splotches and starting to soften in spots, it’s ready. If there are any bad spots, just cut those away and go with it.  It’s the price we pay for not living in a tropical climate.

This Pineapple Papaya Green Smoothie is amazing. The pineapple and papaya make this smoothie sweet and luscious, while the ginger keeps things exciting.

I cut some calories by using water as the base instead of coconut milk. If you want to add in some good fat, definitely go with some coconut or almond milk instead.


  • 1 c. fresh papaya, cubed
  • 1 c. frozen pineapple chunks
  • 1 medium banana
  • 1 c. fresh spinach, lightly packed
  • 1 in. fresh ginger, peeled and chopped
  • 1 c. water
  • ice


  1. Add all ingredients except ice to a high powered blender, and blend until smooth. I love my trusty NutriBullet, but I just bought a Ninja Pro and it's amazing so far!
  2. Gradually add ice and blend until you reach desired consistency.

thanks done share recipes to :


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