Oh heyyy!!! (as my 5yo son says). I am busting at my seams here to tell you! A few weeks ago I shared about my half ironman DNF triathlon …DNF as in, did not finish. All that drama, how it was a bike issue but I was soooo disappointed, and how I wanted to make up for it by coming back strong at my next race, the Rocketman Half Ironman at Kennedy Space Center, November 15th.

Well, that is what kinda actually exactly happened!!! …and I won my age group to boot. My age group, 40-44yo strong amazing women, 11 of us in this race. And I freaking won. Cannot. Believe. It.

For any of you new to me or my site, doing crazy shit is kinda my thing. Always has been. Triathlons are just the latest, and I couldn’t start them until I had both knees reconstructed March 2012 because apparently I was born with out-of-place kneecaps and by age 40 my meniscuses were shredded as a bonus. After that surgery and months of therapy and rehabilitation, I started to run for the first time in my life without knee pain. September 2012, I did a 5K. April 2013, I did a Sprint triathlon. And with that, I was hooked.

Fast forward to 2015, which has been fantastic. I did my first half ironman triathlon at Naples, FL, in January with a swim that I thought I would not survive. That was followed by a very very very very chilly half ironman in March. Then I got my first win at the Ron Jon’s Sprint tri in April.


  • 2 8 oz pkgs cream cheese
  • 1/2 a small yellow onion finely diced (~1/4 cup)
  • 1/2 cup heaping finely chopped pickled banana pepper rings (see Notes)
  • 6 strips bacon cooked crisp and finely chopped
  • 1-1/2 cup shredded pepperjack cheese
  • 1 clove garlic minced
  • pinch kosher salt
  • 1/4 cup reserved juice from the banana pepper jar
  • pinch red pepper flakes optional - just if you want more of a kick
  • garnish: banana pepper rings and more crumbled bacon


  1. Put all the ingredients in a small crock pot or slow cooker, and let it go an hour on high or 2 hours on low, stirring occasionally. Alternatively, the dip can be made in the oven, baking at ~350F for 30 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes. Or the microwave can be used as well. Serve with tortilla chips.
  2. ...........................................

for full recipes please see :


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