Blueberries and Cream Poke Cake

I am excited to announce that my husband and I are expecting a second boy!! We are really excited and our son is really excited to be having a brother.  We found out a couple of months ago, but I never got around to making something blue to announce it.  I did announce it on Instagram, so if you follow me there you might know that we are having another boy.  At first I really wanted a girl, since this will probably be our last child, but I am really excited about having another boy and am excited of the relationship between our sons.

I am currently 28 weeks pregnant, so we don’t have that much time left to meet our sweet baby boy.  I need all that time to be able to get his room ready.  We finally switched my older son to a toddler bed, so we moved the crib to the baby room.  However, since the baby room has been storage, we have to move everything out of there and into the basement.  We are getting there but still have a good bit to do.  Since we are all so excited about our impending arrival, I decided to make a cake with blue in it to celebrate that we are having another boy.


  • 1 box white cake mix + the ingredients on the back of the box
  • 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 cup blueberry pie filling
  • 1 container (8 ounces) whipped cream
  • 2 tablespoons blueberry pie filling


  1. Prepare the cake according to the directions on the box.
  2. Once the cake is cooled, use a wooden spoon to poke holes evenly throughout the cake, making about 25-30 holes.
  3. ....................................

for full recipes please see :

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