Amish Sweet Bread Recipe

So what is it like being sick so much? Basically the same as being healthy except for your body is exhausted and you go through a lot of tissues. I’ve realized that being a mother is no excuse to lay around on the couch all day, as much as I’d like to. My kids still have school and extracurricular activities to go to. If I had a serious issue, I’m sure I’d be on the couch a lot more but I’m truly grateful for the health that I do have so that I can still take care of my kids, whether I really feel like it or not. Being a mother is such a great experience and I know that they will only be little for so long. In 20 years when I’m still going through this (hopefully not though), I’ll probably spend a lot more time lying down while I’m sick but for now, I’m just grateful I can still get up each morning and get going. I’m also grateful for my husband who lets me sleep in as often as possible (until 7:25 am because I can’t let my kids go to school without saying goodbye to them) and who even this morning, let me sleep in until 9 am since it’s Sunday, got the kids breakfast, and even brought breakfast up to me in bed. I am also very grateful for VidAngel that has allowed me to lay around in the evening and stream movies for $1! Last night we watched “The Intern” over VidAngel which was great because I could just stay in while it was snowing and not have to run to a nearby RedBox to get the movie.


  • 2 cups water (110° F)
  • 2/3 cups sugar
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons yeast
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1/4 cup oil
  • 5.5-6 cups flour


  1. Combine water, sugar, and yeast and let it proof.
  2. When yeast mixture is a creamy foam with little bubbles (about 10 minutes), mix in oil and salt into the yeast mixture.
  3. Slowly mix in one cup of flour at a time. Use as much flour as needed to create a good, non-sticky dough.
  4. ....................................

for full instruction please see :

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