Have you ever noticed how hard it is to get back to a work out routine after missing a few days?

We had consistently been going to work out each morning since school started, and that routine has been great.  My sweet tooth causes me problems in certain areas, so working out is very much needed.

But this past month I had a few different work trips, so I missed a few days here and there at the gym.  It’s amazing to me that just missing 2 days of training can affect things the next time you get to the gym.
Normally I can do most of the workouts without any problems, but after missing days I get winded so easily.

Our family was just away for another trip for my husband’s job, and we ate out for just about every meal. And yes, I could have ordered healthier than I actually did, but I didn’t.
I mean a new place just begs you to check out local restaurants, right? Now we are kind of scared to go back to the gym after missing 5 work outs and eating so much.


  • 1 - 8 ounce cream cheese, softened
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon + extra
  • 2 cups apple pie filling , divided
  • 2 sleeves cinnamon graham crackers (27 squares)
  • 1 - 16 ounce Cool Whip, divided


  1. Beat the cream cheese, brown sugar, vanilla, and 2 teaspoons cinnamon until creamy.
  2. Stir in 1 cup diced apple pie filling into the cream cheese mixture. Fold in 3 cups of Cool Whip.
  3. Spread a thin layer of Cool Whip on the bottom of a 9 inch square baking dish. Place 9 cinnamon graham squares on the bottom. Gently spread half the cheesecake filling on the graham crackers.
  4. ........................................

for full instruction please see :


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