Spring is in the air. Flowers are blooming, leaves are budding on the trees, and the days are getting longer! (Which is my favorite part!)

Spring is time to renew, refresh, and clean out your closet. Ever year I try to go through my wardrobe, with a determined effort to get rid of stuff I don’t wear. It never seems to work. There is always some reason to hold onto that pilly sweater (but it so comfy), or that pair of pants (that I will surely fit into this year!). Right!? Well, at least I try!

For me its also time to clean up my diet. I know everyone jumps on the Whole 30 deal in the winter, but not me. During the colder months I like to indulge in a little too much sugar, and love my comfort foods. But once it starts to get warm I want to eat refreshing, lighter, and healthier fare like salads, fruits, smoothies, and cool refreshing drinks.

This Lavender & Honey Sparkling Lemonade is everything you want in a spring beverage. It has the perfect balance of tart and sweet, and has a hint of relaxing lavender. Not to mention the bubbles- they make this drink!


  • 6 lemons
  • 1/3 cup creamed honey (regular honey will work too)
  • 1 liter sparkling water
  • 2-3 tablespoons lavender sprigs


  1. Juice the lemons, and remove any seeds. You should yield about 1/3 cup of lemon juice.
  2. Combine the lemon juice and honey in a high speed blender and been until honey has fully dissolved and the concentrate is frothy.
  3. ......................................

for full instruction please see :


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