I jumped on the smoothie bowl bandwagon! Have you seen/made one yet? They’re all the rage on Pinterest these days!

I got on a huge smoothie kick after buying a really fancy, expensive blender. My husband and I would make green smoothies every night for breakfast the next day (he leaves the house really early so didn’t have time to make them before he leaves).

And then one day, I got totally fed up with smoothies. Especially green ones. I’m a foodie for goodness sakes! I need food. REAL food. Not food from a straw, you know what I’m sayin’? So then our fancy expensive blender sat there gathering dust on our countertop.

Then, as I was browsing Pinterest as I love to do, I saw a smoothie bowl recipe and I thought this is perfect! It’s the best of both worlds – healthy smoothie + food on top = happy foodie!

You guys, this tropical smoothie bowl recipe is just amazing. I’m obsessed. I blended up frozen tropical fruit, half a frozen banana, tofu (for added protein), a little honey to sweeten, and Vanilla CashewMilk. Poured that in a bowl and layered the top with cut up fruit, sliced almonds, coconut and chia seeds. It’s seriously the best breakfast I’ve ever had!


  • 1 cup frozen tropical fruit (strawberries, pineapple & mango mix)
  • ½ of a frozen banana
  • 6 ounces soft tofu (I used half of a 12 ounce box of tofu)
  • honey or agave to sweeten, I used about 1 Tbsp.
  • ½ cup Vanilla CashewMilk
  • sliced fruit for topping, such as strawberries, kiwi, peaches & blueberries
  • sliced almonds, shredded coconut & chia seeds, for topping


  1. Blend frozen fruit, tofu, honey and CashewMilk in a good blender. Taste and add sweetener and more CashewMilk if needed.
  2. Pour smoothie mixture into a bowl. Top with sliced fruit, almonds, coconut and chia seeds.
  3. .............................................

for full instruction please see :


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