The highest waterfalls in the world, the most beautiful bays in the world, the largest forest in the world, the most famous carnival, samba, soccer, capoeira, romantic beaches… Okay okay, Brazil seems to collect all the records! But what about Brazilian cuisine ? Let’s talk about it!

There isn’t just one Brazilian cuisine but several Brazilian cuisines! Indeed, remember that Brazil is a very large country (about the size of the United States) with numerous influences.

Yes, with over 500 years of history, Brazilian cuisine was born from a great mix of traditions introduced not only by the indigenous population but also by all the migratory waves: Portuguese, Italian, Indian, and Argentinian.

Baca Juga

Each Brazilian region has its specificity and has developed its own dishes but if there is one recipe that you will find throughout the country, it is the one that I chose to prepare today: pudim de leite condensado which is pronounced “pudjim djee leitche condensado”.
Pudim de leite condensado as it is known today, is a dessert made of milk, eggs and sugar. Its name directly comes from the English word pudding.

In Brazil and Portugal, the word pudim defines a creamy preparation, whether sweet or savory, baked in a water bath, sometimes with wheat or other cereal flour, but also milk or cream, egg, bread, orange, cheese, sardines, cod, tuna, chicken or veal.


  • 1 (14-oz.) can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup whole milk


  1. Preheat oven to 350 F.
  2. In a non-stick saucepan, melt the sugar over low heat. After about 10 minutes, the sugar should turn into a golden caramel.
  3. Immediately pour the caramel into a round mold, or in several small ramekins by tilting the dish or the ramekins so that the caramel uniformly covers all sides. Let cool.
  4. .........................................

for full instruction please see :

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