These Buckeye Turtle Brownies were born when I couldn’t stomach throwing away a heavenly caramel pecan mixture from a candy turtle experiment gone bad. I had no choice but to repurpose it into these insanely good brownies. Who doesn’t want to eat a brownie with a thick, creamy peanut butter topping under gooey caramels, mixed with pecans, and drizzled all over with chocolate?? If I must.

People ask my husband all time how he stays so thin with all the baking and cooking I do. They must think he is greeted daily with a counter full of decadent treats and food, all laid out, ready for him to taste and comment on when he gets home. Ha ha! In a cruel twist to my family this couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Why would I want food to just lay around and torment me all day? When it comes to delicious food, especially desserts, I have the will power of a 3 year old. Therefore, I employ some effective strategies to ensure I’m not buying larger and larger clothes every month.

Baca Juga

Most importantly, every weekday starts off with a sufficient calories-burned deficit. There’s no pretense I exercise religiously for my health or cardiovascular stamina. My local YMCA is a godsend because A) free childcare and B) no kids are allowed in workout area. Catch my drift? Workout = me time with no kids. You had me at free childcare. I’m there. Everyday.

Secondly, good food doesn’t just stick around the house waiting to be nibbled on intermittently. I make it, I eat it, and the leftovers must immediately leave the premises. Luckily my husband is an elementary principal, and everyone knows teachers’ lounges are the perfect crime scene for disposing of food quickly. (Sorry guys, better the 30 of you than the one of me).


  • 1 9X13 brownie mix or recipe I used the Stop-Looking Brownie recipe
  • Peanut Butter Topping:
  • 6 tbsp. butter, softened
  • 3/4 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 1/2 tbsp. milk
  • Turtle Topping:
  • 11 oz. bag of caramels, unwrapped
  • 2 tbsp. milk
  • 1 1/2 cups chopped pecans
  • Chocolate Topping:
  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1 1/2 tsp. vegetable oil
  • course sea salt or fleur de sel, optional
  • US Customary - Metric


  1. Bake your 9X13 brownie mix or recipe according to directions. If you are using the Stop-Looking Brownie recipe I did not mix in the last cup of chocolate chips before baking, but you can if you want. Cool brownies completely.
  2. For the peanut butter topping*, beat all ingredients together in a medium bowl until well mixed (will be very thick). Scoop spoonfuls of peanut butter topping all over cooled brownies. Press the peanut butter topping gently on the cooled brownies using fingers.
  3. In a microwaveable safe bowl place caramels and milk and heat on high for about 1 1/2 - 2 minutes**, stopping to stir intermittently. Remove immediately just after caramels are almost smooth. Pour in chopped pecans, mix, and scoop in spoonfuls over peanut butter layer. Use an offset spatula or spatula to smooth over peanut butter.
  4. In another microwaveable safe bowl place chocolate chips and vegetable oil. Melt on high for about 1 minute**, stirring occasionally until chocolate is about melted and smooth. Pour over caramel layer and smooth with offset spatula. Sprinkle with course sea salt or fleur de sel, if desired.

thanks done share recipes to : https://www.mamagourmand.com/buckeye-turtle-brownies/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=pinterest&utm_campaign=tailwind_tribes&utm_content=tribes

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