Simple Homemade Turtles

Do you ever find yourself in need of a quick homemade treat to take to a friend, teacher or neighbor?

Do you ever find yourself in need of a quick tasty treat yourself?

I sure do!  That’s why I love these Simple Homemade Turtles.

I find that these Simple Homemade Turtles are so easy to create!
My kids, as helpers, have become EXPERT rolo unwrappers

As their reward we always have to taste test at least one Rolo to make sure it tastes right.
Once my kids peel the rolo’s, these Simple Homemade Turtles really only take 10 minutes to make from start to finish.

And if we are going to be honest with ourselves, you’re going to want to make a double batch.
You’ll want to take one batch to your friends, neighbors or co-workers.

The second batch of these Simple Homemade Turltes will somehow disappear as soon as the pecan is squished onto the Rolo.

  • 1 Bag of Butter Snap Pretzel Squares
  • 1 Bag of Rolos, unwrapped
  • 1 Small Bag of Whole Pecans


  1. Preheat oven to 200* F
  2. While oven is heating, spread pretzels out on a jelly roll cookie sheet (one with edges).
  3. Place one unwrapped Rolo in the center of each pretzel.
  4. Put pan into oven and bake for 3 minutes.
  5. ......................................

for full instruction please see :

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