Hey, we made it to February!  I don’t know about the rest of the country/world, but the PNW is feeling awfully springy these days.  Which is fine by me, Spring is my favorite season.  Flowers and sunny days and birds chirping, what’s not to love?  I know I already posted a Valentine’s Day treat on Friday, but I couldn’t help but share one more.  As I mentioned in that post, I usually prefer to stay in on Valentine’s Day to avoid the crowds.  A few years ago I whipped up this easy chocolate fondue as part of our Valentines’ Day dinner, and I couldn’t believe how easy but decadent it was.

Since this fondue is so simple, it is important to use high quality chocolate.  I bought Lindt Sweet Dark Chocolate bars from Fred Meyer when I was picking up the other ingredients.  All you do is melt the chocolate with some half and half (you can also use milk or heavy cream).  Something with a high cocoa content is going to give you a better flavor and consistency.

I almost bought a fondue pot for this post, but then I decided it wasn’t necessary.  I mean, I guess if you make fondue regularly it would be worth it to own a fondue pot.  But I don’t, and I don’t need another kitchen tool cluttering up my cupboards (I have plenty of that already, trust me).  This chocolate fondue stays smooth and dippable long enough that I didn’t feel I needed a fondue pot, just using a ceramic dish was fine.

For the Chocolate Fondue

  • 14 ounces high quality dark chocolate
  • ½-3/4 cup half and half*
  • Dippers
  • Strawberries
  • Pineapple chunks
  • Orange Slices
  • Marshmallows
  • Wafer Cookies
  • Pretzels.


  1. Chop the chocolate into chunks and melt, whisking often, in a double broiler with ½ cup of half and half. Add up to ¼ cup of additional half and half if needed to thin chocolate to desired consistency.
  2. .........................................

for full recipes please see :

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